Thursday, January 6, 2011

The McHottest People Alive and Their Very Intriguing Fictional Problems

DAY 03 - your favorite television program

Okay, this is very easy because I only watch one.  And it's Grey's Anatomy.  I have to say that I used to kind of judge people for liking it, but I saw an episode with my mom a few years ago and then we started keeping up with the show.  I'm still completely hooked-- it's impossible for me not to keep following to see how all the relationship drama unfolds from episode to episode, whether characters I become attached to live or die, what ridiculous (yet...possible?) medical cases will come up next, and who will solve them.  (Now that there are lesbians in the mix--and they're both very femme--I love the show even more!)

I'm going to be honest here: I am completely jealous of most of the Grey's Anatomy characters.  They are all incredibly hot (I believe that some of the most attractive people on the planet are/were in this cast) and ridiculously smart.  Nearly all of them are extremely confident in their abilities as doctors--and they should be because they're the best.  I mean, many aspects of their lives suck (holding people's lives in your hands is stressful to say the least, they've all had really good friends die in various freak accidents, and virtually everyone has family that is either completely messed up, no longer alive, or estranged), but I still have some inexplicable attraction to them.  They all have issues, yet no one babies them because of it and they're all remarkably successful people.

I know I don't feel this way about real-life scenarios--at least other people's.  That would make me kind of a twisted person.  But it's pretty addictive in a fictional world....

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