Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Home Again, Home Again

So, my adventures as a super tourist have come to an end; it´s back to the markets for 8 more weeks! Last night, I was so excited to finally return to sleeping in what I consider my own bed. As frustrating as work can be sometimes, I missed the kids so much and couldn´t wait to get back this morning. I was super lucky to have experienced a "mid-term" of sorts to re-organize and rejuvinate.

Being away made me realize just how acclimated to Quito and my house and my work I have become. This really feels like a permanent life. Unexpectedly, when we landed on the mainland, my first thought was "I´m home." In a way, being here feels like less of an adventure now. But I guess that just means I´m comfortable, and that´s a good thing.


  1. Hola Caitlin-
    acabo de descubrir tu "blog" (gracias a Jen Goen) y queria decirte lo contenta que estoy por ti- me encanta leer sobre tus aventuras y ver tus bellas fotos :)

    La mejor educacion no se encuentra siempre en una aula de clase, asi que felicidades por no seguir el camino tipico de la mayor parte de tus companeros...(aun que todos somos capces de aprender bien en un ambiente academico, obviamente!)

    Te deseo lo mejor en tus viajes y tratare de "visitarte" lo mas posible :)


    (disculpa la falta de acentos, pero me siento super peresoza!!!)

  2. We're home. It was a wonderful two weeks with you! Thank you for sharing it all with us.

    Love, Mom & Dad

  3. I'm glad your mid-terms were relaxing...that's not generally what's associated with that :P Fall break, perhaps, would be more fitting?
