Monday, February 28, 2011

To Remind Myself Why

Inspiration, Part I

Teacher: The biggest lesson I've learned...

Me: (expecting a pointer on some aspect of life that is probably inapplicable to me) What?

Teacher: This. (holding up two fingers, kind of like a gangster)

Me: Two... (in my mind: again, what?)

Teacher: Yes.

Me: ...what.


Me: Oh!  The peace sign?!?

Teacher: Yes, the sign.  I walk into my classroom, hold up my two fingers, and the children are quiet right away.

Me: You do?!  I mean, really?  And it works?!

Teacher: It does. It works well!

Inspiration, Part II

Teacher: May I ask you a question?

Me: Of course!

Teacher: You are left-handed.

Me: Yes.

Teacher: How do you write so well?

Me: Umm, I mean, uh.  I just...learned to write this way when I was little.

Teacher: Is it normal in America?

Me: Yes!  I mean, it's normal, but not too common.  About 10% of Americans are left-handed.  My dad is, so maybe that's how I learned.  Does anyone here write with there left hand?

Teacher: No one in this class, no.

Me: Anyone in this country?

Teacher: My own son!  But he is three years old, and I wanted to make sure he changed hands before he learned to write.  What do you think?

Me: I love being left-handed!  I think it makes me unique and kind of special.  People notice.  It's a good way.

Teacher: I wanted to change my son over, but seeing you I'm not so sure.  So you say special?  Different?

Me: Yes.  I love it.

Teacher: Okay. Thank you.


  1. ahhh. love. this.

    (I'm left-handed. DId you know this? And, I've always sketch-ily wanted to marry a left-handed dude. But, that takes odds that have not proven to be in my favor in the FIRST place, and makes them even worse...)

  2. Being comfortable with being left-handed is very important and, as I have told you for 18+ years, it is sometimes difficult but it IS very, very special! It is a bond that we 10 per centers share and it is immediately recognizable. National (International?) Left Handers Day is celebrated every year on August 13.
    I am glad you are able to see concrete results of your time in the school.
    As for the peace/quiet sign, this teacher will share it with her peers, who will share it with their peers and, before you know it, it will be a national Cameroonian phenomenon, called Caitlin's Sign. :>D

  3. I'm so glad that you may have changed her mind! My dad was forced to switch and he has horrible handwriting! Also i'm so glad that i stalked you on facebook so i can catch up on your life!
